Hardneck Garlic

  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: well-drained neutral to alkaline soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Hardiness: fully hardyOriginating from the town of Lautrec in south western France, this is a classic hardneck garlic. It produces handsome, white-skinned bulbs of smooth flavoured, deep pinky-purple cloves, which are ideal for livening up many of your favourite dishes. It is widely regarded by the French to be one of the best varieties.


Hardneck Garlic

Hardneck Garlic is one of two main subspecies of garlic. Hardnecks are well adapted to cooler climates and considered easy to grow. Most hardneck garlic varieties fall into two categories: Rocambole and Purple Stripe.

Rocamboles have a milder flavor than the Purple Stripes, but they don’t store as well. The Purple Stripes are generally stronger flavored and have better storage qualities than the Rocamboles. Hardneck garlic has a central stalk that grows from the center of the bulb and has many cloves arranged around it in a circle (called the neck). When the plant flowers, these cloves are usually harvested for eating. The flower stalk is often so thick that it needs to be cut with a knife before eating.

The flavor of hardneck garlic varieties varies greatly due to their individual growing conditions. Some varieties have a milder taste than others. Some varieties can be spicy or even hot when eaten raw, while others are sweet and mild tasting.

Hardnecks produce fewer cloves than softnecks but they do produce more in the top half of the bulb compared to softnecks which tend to produce more at the bottom than at the top. This means that hardnecks are better suited for braiding or hanging as opposed to whole bulb roasting like softnecks do so well!

Softneck Garlic

Hardneck Garlic is one of two main subspecies of garlic. Hardnecks are well adapted to cooler climates and considered easy to grow. They are also referred to as “cured” or “storing” garlic because they store well after harvest, even in cool climates.

Hardneck Garlic Varieties:

German Extra Hardy, Porcelain, Rocambole and Spanish Roja are the most popular varieties of hardneck garlics available at SeedsNow Online Seed Store.

Hardneck garlic is one of two main subspecies of garlic. Hardnecks are well adapted to cooler climates and considered easy to grow. They produce a single, central stem with many cloves attached to it. Hardneck garlic has a much longer shelf life than softneck garlic and tends to be more flavorful.

Hardneck varieties are divided into two major groups: Rocambole and Purple Stripe.

Rocambole Garlic: This variety produces a single stalk that can grow up to 6 feet tall. The bulb at the top of the plant forms cloves that are quite large and have an unusual shape with a bulbous end and tapered stalk. Rocamboles typically have 10-20 cloves per bulb. Rocamboles are noted for having a milder flavor than other garlic varieties but can still pack quite a punch! They also store well so they’re great for cooking anytime from late fall through mid-spring.

Purple Stripe Garlic: Purple Stripes produce multiple stalks that branch off of each other in the center of the plant creating clusters of individual heads composed of around 4-10 cloves each (depending on variety). Each head produces its own flower which results in a purple stripe (hence the name) on


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